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Главная » 2015 » July » 23 » Join HunTer Clan!
Join HunTer Clan!

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Hello all guys! Who want to try and join HunTer's (Clan was created in Jun 01, 2011 and it is one of the oldest clans in ~Zombie Plague~ 24/7 server) write down info here in comments:

Nick: Player123

Skype: player123

Age: 17

Which year did you started to play Zombie Plague & How long do you play it: I started to play zombie plague in 2012, but i played it only for 1 year & 5 months in total

ALL Previous (old) Nicks in server: Player321, player222, player333

How long do you play Zombie Plague per day: 1 hour

Your current rank in server (IP: 213

Why do you want to join HunTer's: (Write something here)


If we will like you. We will contact you in Skype. So do not SPAM here please! Thanks for understanding!

Good luck!

Категория: | Просмотров: 1903| Добавил: HI-TEC | Рейтинг: 3.2
Всего комментариев: 171 2 »

17. Комментарий добавил: MT Melih (ccnmelih47)[Material]

Nick: mm*

Skype: melih.cecen

Age: 16

Which year did you started to play Zombie Plague & How long do you play it: I started zombie plague at 2009

ALL Previous (old) Nicks in server: Future[MC] , DeLeTe

How long do you play Zombie Plague per day: 4-5 hour

Your current rank in server (IP: unranked new pc.....

Why do you want to join HunTer's: hunters oldest and most powerful clan
Date of the publication of the comment: 15/06/2016

16. Комментарий добавил: Amogh Behere (a4amogh23)[Material]

Nick : GalaDoN^
Skype: Iamamogh
Age: 16
Started playing zombie plague since 2011
Old nick: FlaSh^
How long do you play zombie plague per day: about 4-5 hours/day
Current rank: 21
Why do you want want to join hunters: because from the start I loved this clan and I played for these many years to join this good clan.
Date of the publication of the comment: 22/04/2016

15. Комментарий добавил: Mohamed El (mohamed_thecrazy)[Material]

Nicke :PuNiSh3ee!R
Skype: Mohamed EL
Age: 20
Which year did you started to play Zombie Plague & How long do you play it: I started to play zombie plague in2009, but i played it only for 2 year then i stoped after i back in 2014
ALL Previous (old) Nicks in server: Phoenix . Lion . GuNn3ee!R . PuNiSheeR
How long do you play Zombie Plague per day: 3-4 hour
Your current rank in server (IP: 20
Why do you want to join HunTer's: I Want Join with Hunter's Cause its the best Clan And all People Sympa . its a great Clan smile For me smile
Thx All smile
Date of the publication of the comment: 13/03/2016

14. Комментарий добавил: Théó Théó (theovtr)[Material]

Nick: Sahara^
Started play: 2014 but i long time didnt play this zp cause jungle not add payment vip in my countries. im come back play this zp cause now i can buy admin use cross payment
Old nickname: [D]arknesS | Sahara~
i need clan biggrin
Date of the publication of the comment: 22/01/2016

13. Комментарий добавил: Techno! artenc (artenccerumi8891)[Material]

Nick: Techno!
Skype: artenc.cerumi1
Age: 19
Which year did you started to play Zombie Plague & How long do you play it: I started to play zombie plague in 2012,but i have played with part
ALL Previous (old) Nicks in server: artenc,K6,RED711,G4,Techno!
How long do you play Zombie Plague per day: 5 hour
Your current rank in server (IP: 43
Why do you want to join HunTer's: Because im old player and i know how to play :).
And love this clan
Date of the publication of the comment: 10/10/2015

12. Комментарий добавил: Abhishek kumar (alphamaverick22)[Material]

Nick Blade , Panda
Skype Abhishek.kashyap53
16 years
Joined server at 4 June 2011 and no breaks
Maverick , fuck the world I am panda , Blade
No limit I played server more than 3 hours min and 8 hours max everyday
Lost rank I took brake of 1 month now 59
I have best suited Nick and I play good HunTer | ~ Blade
Date of the publication of the comment: 02/09/2015

11. Комментарий добавил: Danilo Radonjić (daniloradonjic7)[Material]

Nick: Dark~
Skype: boza_juventinovero
Age: 18
Which year did you started to play Zombie plague & How long do you play it: Started in 2011, Playing with 2 months break only. 
Previous (old) Nicks in server: Darkness DragonY, DarkPrince 
How long do you play Zombie Plague per day: around 4 hours
Your current rank in server (IP: 150 (This reset I didn't play seriously because I was more Gunxp player)
Why do you want join HunTer's: I have experience, I am superadmin on both servers, I think that this clan will benefit with my knowledge and power on servers, and I had a wish to play in HunTers for 1 season at least smile
Date of the publication of the comment: 18/08/2015

10. Комментарий добавил: Goutham Sriram (gouthamsriram)[Material]

Nick: CATACLYSMSkype: gouthamsriram
Age: 20
Which year did you started to play Zombie Plague & How long do you play it: I started to play zombie plague in 2009, but i played it only for approximately 3 year & 7 months in total
Previous (old) Nicks in server: Cruzz, Strider, etc...
How long do you play Zombie Plague per day: 4 hours
Your current rank in server (IP: 208
Why do you want to join HunTer's:
 I have'nt never ever joined a clan to make me nemesis or survivor, so I need a reliable team of players as I am totally new

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Date of the publication of the comment: 02/08/2015

9. Комментарий добавил: Youness Tajeddine (tajeddineyouness99)[Material]

Nick: $cyTh3
Skype : oussamatajeddine
Age: 16 
Which year did you started to play Zombie Plague & How long do you play it: 2009 and 6 years and 2 years pause 
Previous (old) Nicks in server: Flame ; [B_E_T_A] New~Bie ; Di $cyTh3, ; 
How long do you play Zombie Plague per day: 6 hours at 7 hours 
Your current rank in server (IP: 29 because i have this old nicks i have some more deaths  
Why do you want join HunTer's: cuz is old Clan and he is so good and i wan't be a part of it
Date of the publication of the comment: 30/07/2015

8. Комментарий добавил: Youness Tajeddine (tajeddineyouness99)[Material]

Nick: $cyTh3
Age: 16
Which year did you started to play Zombie Plague & How long do you play it: 2009 and 6 years and 2 years pause
Previous (old) Nicks in server: Flame ; [B_E_T_A] New~Bie ; Di $cyTh3, ;
How long do you play Zombie Plague per day: 6 hours at 7 hours
Your current rank in server (IP: 29 because i have this old nicks i have some more deaths smile
Why do you want join HunTer's: cuz is old Clan and he is so good and i wan't be a part of it  cry
Date of the publication of the comment: 30/07/2015
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